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HOW                                                                       WORKS

Ready to have your pitch rated? Excellent!

Step 1: Prepare and upload a practice video of your pitch, to be viewed and evaluated by our panel of experts!

Once your pitch is uploaded, each member of our panel receives an email with a link to our platform where they will watch your video and rate your pitch. There may be many panelists rating your pitch, but each panelist will only rate your pitch ONCE.

Step 2: Our panelists will rate your pitch in the moment, using the same technology used by CNN focus groups during political speeches and debates.

Step 3: Once your pitch has been rated, we’ll compile the data and prepare your PitchRater report.

Your PitchRater report will contain analysis of the data the panelists provided while rating your video. You’ll receive a .PDF document outlining our findings, and you get your pitch video back, complete with the REAL-TIME responses of the people who rated your pitch.

You will receive actionable real-time data on your audience's intuitive, emotional reaction to your pitch, so you'll see what’s working in your pitch and what’s not working… (yet!)


The result? A pitch that connects. A pitch that wins.


Want to have your pitch rated? Click the link below to Connect with us!

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